Monday, July 16, 2012

Saturday Stroll

The husband and I have not gotten out much since Logan was born. We used to enjoy many hikes throughout the year or just some amazing scenic drives to a place we had never been before. Early in our marriage we had said we were going to try to go to every state park in Arkansas. Last year Logan was born. All that came to a halt. For several reasons this goal went on the back burner. You know, excuses like money, gas, and the baby. 
Money is a huge issue now. Logan is old enough to tag along but its not fun all the time to go to the places we enjoy and a stroller will not make it. Saturday we decided we would try out the nature trail around the area we live in, now that Mr. Logan is walking. 
I warned my husband that we should carry him during the beginning then let him walk later. I knew he would wear himself out before we even got to the good stuff. Yes honey, I was right again. 
Logan was cute nonetheless, taking off like he knew exactly where he was going and looking back at us like we were the slow ones. 
For some reason once he reached the bridge he got a little freaked out. Like being able to see the ground through the cracks but yet his feet was not on the ground just confused him. 
I took the outing as an opportunity to take some photos of him. Like real ones and not just snap shots as above. 
This is pretty much the only one I was able to capture because he was cranky, hot and tired. He took a long nice nap when we got home! I can not wait to try it again. 

Now moving on to my Monday Macro shot. I actually have two. My lovely husband showed me exactly how to work it on our camera so I decided to play with it more. 
Our visitor on the car before we left on our Saturday stroll.

Just some "weeds"

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Monday Blog Hops:


  1. Hi there - If those are weeds, I think you should start planting them in your garden!!

    Nice shots - Stewart M - Australia

    1. haha my mom always called them weeds when I would pick them for her when I was a kid.

  2. Great photos of Logan. He is adorable. And beautiful macros of the lazy susan type "weeds".

    WHAT A TART is my macro link for this week. Have a glorious day.

  3. I love the shot of the 'visitor' the detail is perfect.


  4. Amazing shots Oh Logan is such a cutie.Don't worry about not going anywhere you will see everything when they have grown up and moved away. That is the way it seemed to work around here.:) B

  5. Great shots of Logan, and that visitor is pretty mean looking up close!

  6. what a cutie!

    come say hello at

    have a great day!

  7. Logan's a cute little guy.
    I like your grasshopper and pretty "weeds" photos!


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