Thursday, July 12, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

It has been way to hot around here to do much of anything interesting or neat. It is even to hot to swim. (according to me) After refilling my homemade bird bath that my husband calls "ghetto" and a couple of aluminum pans with some water for the critters outside, we decided to let little Logan outside to play. It had cooled down enough to where I was not dying of heat stroke. He is so funny! He can not stand the feel of grass on his feet, and we have some dry grass so it makes it extra prickly. Finally he decided he would explore. My clean little boy ended up my dirty little boy. 
After discovering the pan with some water in it he decided to dump it in the dirt and make mud. He even tried out the taste of a nice handful of mud. He ate this better than he has been eating his dinner lately! I know my cooking is not THAT bad. My husband the whole time is freaking out because I am letting him play in the dirt, mud and water. "He is washable honey." 
Of course he gets a bath when we decide to go in. After bath it is time for dinner. He made it to the end of his grilled cheese and passes out! Poor baby was tired. 
 Boys will be boys!

This Friday I am participating in Friday Fences and decided since it has been so hot that this shot may cool you off just a tad.

Also linking up to


  1. Logan is sooo cute! Yep the fence shot does make you feel a little chill!

  2. great idea for this post to be thinging of everyone who ISNT getting the cool weather.... however we here in the UK are perishing in our supposed Summer.

    Sunny fence next week

    1. We are burning up where I am out. Having a drought and burn bans and missed out on personal fireworks. I can not wait for cold weather.


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